ClOSE your first 100 deals FASTER.

Acquiring the first 100 customers for new products is hard.

Building a reliable Sales Engine
even harder.

We saw it, We did it, We enable you
to achieve your sales goals!
Summon Your Ninja



Increase Traction

Need to stabilize your monthly revenues?

Want to grow your sales team and transition from Founder to Team sales?

Want to increase conversion rates and close more deals?

Don't know where to start? Flip the Card!

Process Optimization

  • Analyse sales processes & strategy
  • Identify systemic flaws
  • Resolve bottlenecks
6-12 weeks
A reliable and scalable B2B Sales Engine that produces closed deals.

Learn to close deals

Want to acquire paying customers, but lack B2B sales experience?

Have no final product, no process, no marketing, no nothing?

Just feels your team could sell more?

Don't know where to start? Flip the Card!

Sales Enablement

  • Improve your B2B Sales Skills
  • Re-Design your buying journey
  • Apply your skills in real life training
12 weeks
Higher Conversion Rates due to your increased B2B Sales Skills.

Infuse outbound Energy

Lost a sales leader? (sick leave, etc.)

Need to steady the ship and stabilize your team?

Could use more outbound energy and helping hands?

Don't know where to start? Flip the Card!

Interim Management

  • Step in as Interim VP, HoS or TL
  • Stabilize the operative team
  • Focus attention on closing deals
3-6 months
Functioning B2B Sales Team, while you find a full-time placement.

Your challenges our solutions


Sales Agents

Need more Sales (Wo)manpower right now?

Want to 'outsource' SDR work but don't want to hire full-time?

Lost a sales leader and need to stabilize your team? (sick leave, etc.)

Don't know where to start? Flip the Card!

Sales Execution

Our Mission
  • We step in as Interim VP, HoS or TL
  • You focus on product development
  • We execute the operative Sales tasks for you
3-6 months
Functioning B2B Sales, while you (re)-build your team.


Need more predictability on your pipeline?

Want to increase conversion rates and close more deals?
Want to grow your team or transition from Founder to Team sales?

Don't know where to start? Flip the Card!

Sales Engineering

Our Mission
  • We analyse sales your processes & strategy
  • We identify & fix systemic flaws
  • We resolve bottlenecks to improve your GTM system
6-12 weeks
A reliable and scalable B2B Sales Engine that produces closed deals.

Learn to
close Deals

Want to acquire paying customers, but lack B2B sales experience?

Have no final product, no process, no marketing, no nothing?
Just feels your team could sell more?

Don't know where to start? Flip the Card!

Sales Enablement

Our Mission
  • You Improve your B2B Sales Skills
  • We show you how to close deals reliably
  • You apply your skills in real life training
6-12 weeks
Higher Conversion Rates due to your increased B2B Sales Skills.

Everything we do is
‍psychology infused

to maximize your effectiveness in the hyper dynamic and customer centric new B2B world

OUR key principles

We aim to
cut the bullshit!

In our experience no business plan, no pitch, no product, no idea survives it's initial customer contact. It is easy to get lost in 'Tasks' which feel like progress, when we are actually not progressing. We eliminate this residual work by focusing on dissolving bottleneck after bottleneck without exception. This also requires to put our ideas into action, instead of working on them for weeks.

Summon your Ninja

We believe that personal growth equals business growth!

In our experience we can get lost in our behavioral patterns. It leads to friction with our team and blocking our ability to truly understand what our customers want. We overcome this by training our empathy. This way we become be aware of our weaknesses and can turn them into additional strengths. We know our sweet as well as our blind spots and can surround ourselves with talent that compliments us.

Summon your Ninja

We embrace the learners mindset!

In our experience we can get blinded by our assumptions - no matter how smart we are. Just because we have seen a lot, does not mean we have seen it all. We overcome this by keeping an open mind and treat every deal with the same fresh, childlike curiosity to learn and get to the bottom of things. We don't make assumptions, but work with what the situation presents us. 

Summon your Ninja

We see the world as one big network!

In our experience financial pressure can narrow our vision and turn us into transactional beings. For success in B2B sales, personal connection is key. Hence we to talk to every prospect like we’re talking to an old friend - with natural curiosity, eagerness to understand her situation and empathy to get a feel for her situation. Bottom line it's not about our idea, but about her pain.

Summon your Ninja

We think and act holistically!

In our experience the pressure to show first revenues can lead to mismanaged prospect expectations. This can lead to cost customer service engagement and force our product development into a direction we don't want and should not go. We do understand that there is more to building a successful business than just sales and keep the consequences of our actions in mind.

Summon your Ninja

ACQUIRING CUSTOMERS for new products is hard. We are here for you, because we can SELL ANYTHING!

Meet the Ninjas

GoToMarket.Ninja (GTMN) is the B2B sales consulting boutique created to serve B2B ventures.

Meet the Team that has your back, when you face the natural struggles of the GoToMarket Process.
We are here for you, because all business, is people business.

Our Core Values:

Adorable <3
Sebastian Hoppen

Sebastian Hoppen

Full-Time Ninja


Sales Mentor & 1-Man OutBound Army


Build Relationships

Favorite Quote

“Stay curious, not judgemental.” - Walt Whitman

Jamaine Pulat

Jamaine Pulat

Mentoring Partner


Sales Mentor & Whitty Guide


Provide Perspective

Favorite Quote

"Sometimes the most influential thing we can do is listen." - Bob B.

Maximilian Hof

Maximilian Hof

Full-Time Ninja


Project Manager & Information Facilitator


Brighten the Mood

Favorite Quote

“Make a customer, not a sale.” - Katherine Barchetti

Olga Marose

Olga Marose

Mentoring Partner


Sales Mentor & Emotional Nurturer


Observe very sharply

Favorite Quote

"To fly we have to  have resistance." - Maya Lin

Florian Hoppen

Florian Hoppen

Full-Time Ninja


Sales Mentor & Last Man Standing


Analyse Systems

Favorite Quote

"Don't mistake movement for progress." - Denzel Washington

+200 Teams
+30 Years sales Exp.
+35m€ increased Company Valuation
+25 Markets
+5m€ generated Rev.

Equipped with GTMN skills, you cut through the bullshit of sales
being complicated and sell your product to your prospects. 

That's what you created it for, didn’t you?!

Our references

"The tips of the GoToMarket.Ninja are more than valuable and I could already close several deals following the provided guidance. Beyond that it is amazing to gain access to entrepreneurs and sales experts from the network."

Tobias Rieker, Co-founder & CEO,

"Our whole team could easily put the received guidance into action. I really appreciated working with the Ninja on our sales strategy. His experience and his honest, transparent approach makes collaboration straightforward and fun. The perfect mix of focused performance and regenerating laughter. Thank you!!"

Viktor Kessler, CEO and Co-founder at

"The Ninja was able to adapt and re-adapt his approaches to match the needs of our team. When things got tough, he got tougher, and he kept delivering and showing up for everyone. We have learned so much from him and the level of support he provides is palpable. We look forward to future mentoring from GTMN."

Clemens Brunner, CEO & Co-founder,

"The Ninja delivers on point. We quickly learned how to produce and close deals. The ninja deeply understands human nature, lives sales and knows exactly the kind of guidance we needed to succeed as a typically understaffed startup team. I highly recommend bringing him on board. You will thank me later."

Gregory Vider, Founder & MD,

“We worked with the Ninja for almost a year up to our pre-seed round. The constant challenging of our sales game helped us to professionalize our GoToMarket approach. When we were hiring our first sales agents, his knowledge and experience was extremely helpful to us - saving nerves, time and money.”

Daniel Deutsch & Milos Djurdjevic, Founders,

“The ninja has helped us to focus, center our attention to small, but important, details, and he’s got our back. His hands-on support was super valuable for us and the best approach to propel further growth. If you’re looking for someone to fight by your side to achieve growth, look no further. He’s your man.”

Lennart Paul, Co-founder & CEO,

What challenges are you facing?

Acquiring customers for new products can feel hard. Building a reliable Sales Engine 
even harder.

We are here for you, because we can sell anything!

Working in the Start-Up Circus, sometimes feels like imagining an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie. That's why we combine the expertise of three fields - GoToMarket Strategies, Operational Excellence AND Individual Psychology - to cut through the bullshit of sales being complicated.

Let's turn your action into traction!

GoToMarket.Ninja will use your information to contact you regarding relevant content & products. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.
Summon your Ninja
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